In the first 15 years of the United Nations’ post-9/11 counterterrorism program, gender issues were hardly mentioned. This, despite the clearly stated intention of violent extremists and terrorist groups to suppress gender equality, women’s rights, girls’ education,...
Preventing Violence in the 2015 Nigerian Election
Laurie Nathan In 2015, Nigeria held elections that were widely expected to lead to large-scale violence. The risk derived in part from the country’s severe regional tensions, which included the religious and political cleavage between the North and the South, as well...
Preventing Small Fires from Becoming Big Fires: Successful Preventive Diplomacy by the UN
Laurie Nathan, Adam Day, João Honwana and Rebecca Brubaker From its inception, the United Nations (UN) has engaged in preventive diplomacy in situations of conflict in order to prevent the outbreak of large-scale violence. Preventive diplomacy has recently been given...