Emmanuel Cannady “Daddy changed the world.” - Gianna Floyd In those words, George Floyd’s six-year-old daughter succinctly captured the global significance of her father’s tragic murder. Together with the outrage of Breonna Taylor and Amaud Arbery’s murders, the...
Between Disruption and Coordination: Building Insider-Outsider Strategies
Ann Mische In recent months we have seen clashing imaginaries (the set of values, narratives, and symbols through which people make sense of the social spaces they occupy) at play in the wave of protests for Black lives after the killing of George Floyd in...
Justice through Trauma Healing
Helina Haile In May 2015, Chicago became the first municipality in the United States to pass reparations for racially-motivated police torture. The reparations ordinance provided redress for the survivors of police torture under Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge...