University of Notre Dame
Kroc Institutde for International Peace Studies


Peace Policy offers research-based insights, commentary, and solutions to the global challenge of violent conflict. Each issue features the writing of scholars and practitioners who work to understand the causes of violent conflict and who seek to contribute to effective solutions and alternatives to the use of force.

Peace Policy is edited and distributed several times a year by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame. The Kroc Institute is one of the world’s principal centers for the study of the causes of violent conflict and strategies for sustainable peace.

Peace and Policy

We define peace as not only the absence of armed conflict, but also the presence of justice, including civil and human rights, access to food and clean drinking water, education for women and children, and security from physical harm.

We define policy as the set of decisions that shape society and that can either increase the likelihood of armed conflict or contribute to peace and justice. The policy community we seek to engage includes scholars, government officials, peace building practitioners, activists, journalists, and leaders in the United Nations and religious and other nongovernmental organizations.


The articles in Peace Policy are available under a Creative Commons License. You are welcome to post and share them, with attribution to Peace Policy and to the authors. Please link back to the original page.

The photographs in Peace Policy are selected primarily from those available under Creative Commons licensing at If you reproduce the photo, please give the photographer credit. Many thanks to the photographers who make their work available.


Kate Chester

Communications Program Director, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies